Sunday, September 16, 2012

Please browse the projects below to help choose which one/s you would like to create at our fABuLOus fRiDay activity.  Sign up at church or email Alexis Garrett at

This activity will be held Friday, October 19th,
from 7:00-11:00pm at OUR church building

ALL ORDERS and MONEY will be due
by Sunday, September 30th
Please use exact cash or make checks payable to Alexis Garrett.

1. JAR BOARDS:   $11.00

 Use these handy organizing jAr bOarDs.....for so many things.  Hang them on the wall....and they are great for storing items in a cute decorative way.   A very easy way to store all of your kids' art supplies, or your crafting supplies.  A great way to save money, and pay tithing.  They would even be a wonderful way to have marble behavior jars.  The possibilities are ENDLESS!
  Items inside the jars are not included.  You are ordering the board and 3 jars....(as shown above).  It is up to you to decide what to use them for.   :)  When ordering....please specify your color choice.
COLORS:  Aqua, white, or black.

2. GROWTH RULERS:   $12.00 
(Limit 3 per person)

Teach your kids to "stand a little taller" and measure their growth each year on this
cute gROwth cHaRt.  The best part.....if you get to take it and those memories with you.  Made to hang six inches up on the wall. A great addition to anyone's home.  Makes a wonderful gift for families.....or as a baby shower gift.

3. CLIPBOARDS:   $6.00

These fun and cute CLipBOards are great for storing and keeping track of your children's homework and art masterpieces.  Just make one for each child....hang them all together....and they each will know where their papers belong.
They are also wonderful to use as a photo frame...and make switching out photos really easy.
You can use them to keep track of your to-do list, grocery list, chores, or any of those other papers that can get lost so easily.
We will be offering a variety of paper choices that night.  You are welcome to bring your own paper (if you have a specific color you want-for example, your home decor).  Unfortunately...the price will be the same either way.  They will each come with a tag....that you can personalize to your own needs.
This is a very fun simple project that will help organize and simplify your life.

4. (mini) QUIET BOOKS:   $2.00 
These bright and colorful QuieT bOoKs are perfect for keeping kids reverant during Sacrament meetings.  Each page has one of the 13 Articles of Faith.  A great way to help anyone memorize the Articles of Faith....and is small enough to fit in with your scriptures.

5. HARVEST BANNER:   $3.00 

What better way to welcome in fall...than with this HaRveSt bAnneR.  It is simple enough that it can fit in with anyone's decor.  Would be perfect on a fireplace mantle...or on a bookshelf.  A fun, quick, and easy craft.

6. BOW-TIES and HAIR BOWS:   $3.00
 HaiR bOw cLips for little girls' hair.   These can easily be clipped onto a headband or clipped right in to the little lady's hair.

 BoW-tieS for the little men.  These will fit a wide range of little ones.....up to big boys.  Clip-on style....makes them easy to wear.
Please specify BOYS or GIRLS when ordering.  We will have a variety of fabrics to choose from the night of the activity.

7. BABY GIRL SANDALS:   $2.00 
What sweet little baby girl....doesn't need a pair of fun girlie sandals?  They are soft and stretchy and pretty much adorable on those little chubby toes.  These make a fun and unique new baby gift!
There will be a variety of colors to choose from that night.  All of the colors are darling.

This one you will be so happy you did....for the entire year & for years to come.
It is a whole year's worth of FaMiLy hOme eVeniNG lessons all together in one convenient binder. 

9. NOEL:   $11.00
 This is a great holiday project....and it is very neutral so it will fit in with any Christmas decor.   The NOeL project will look great on a shelf, fireplace mantle, or anywhere else you need a little holiday cheer.

10. GLASS ETCHING:   $3.00 

 Never lose your pan again at a potluck.  With your name right on the is easy to tell which pan is yours...and even easier for someone to return it to you.
 *You will need to bring your own glass dish to etch.  Pyrex dishes may not work (especially the older ones).  We can test a small portion, but it says right on the acid bottle ""may not work with Pyrex).  The newer Pyrex seems to be fine.  But if you want to be sure....bring an Anchor Hocking, or at least a back-up.  Anchor Hocking dishes (like the two pictured above) are sold just about everywhere.  These two were purchased at Fred Meyer together in a set, and cost $13.00.

When you order...please write your EXACT spelling of the name you want ordered.
Also please specify which font.  We have three options....and they are below:

If you have any questions about ordering or any of the projects, please feel free to email Alexis Garrett at

You may order through email as well.....Or you can print the order form here, fill it out, and bring it with your money to church.  The order form is below (just click on it to enlarge and print).

ALL orders and MONEY are due (at the latest) on Sunday, September 30th.
Thank you!!

We look forward to a fun and wonderful craft activity......on October 19th!

Please bring a snack or treat to share.  We are also doing a service project and would love for all of the sisters to bring any travel-sized toiletries they can to donate.  They will be packaged up and sent overseas to our tRoOps.  Thanks again!!!

Issaquah 5th Ward Relief Society

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